Our dedicated and creative experts are ready to help you through every step of your journey.
Contact us now and we will make sure your first steps on your BVOR journey are memorable.
With our highest levels of expertise and customer care, along with the highest standards and meticulous design, we are committed to creating a new tradition of excellence.
Oliver Smith
CEO / FOUNDEROliver was taught Advanced Level Engineering by Nurul and progressed to University to study the profession. Focusing on business modelling and communications skills, Oliver brings a meticulous approach to the team.
Nurul Alom
CEO / FOUNDERNurul has worked as a cognitive engineer around the globe, for royalty and celebrities alike. It was as an Engineering teacher that Nurul created the BVOR team and collaborated in developing the BVOR prototype.
Henry Johnston
CEO / FOUNDERHenry was taught Advanced Level Engineering by Nurul. Focusing on Horology and Chronometrics, Henry brings innovative precision and design to the team.

In 2019, Nurul met Oliver and Henry when they studied Advanced Level Engineering at Aldenham School in Elstree. As the Master of Engineering, Nurul created the BVOR team and collaborated with Oliver and Henry to develop the BVOR prototype.
For their pre-University education, Oliver and Henry lived in one of the boarding houses at Aldenham School: Beevor’s House. This is very much like houses of Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Each house has a distinct ethos, flag, and motto. Opened in 1895 as a Boarding House, the first Housemaster was the eponymous Mr Beevor. Nurul is a member of staff in Beevor’s House, the flag is black with red stripes and its motto is ‘Qui Fortiter Persequitur’.

The Beevor’s motto roughly translated means ‘who strongly pursues’. It is taken from a famous speech by US President Theodore Roosevelt, commonly known as the ‘Man in the Arena’ speech. In this speech Roosevelt’s main point was that it is better to try and fail than not to try at all. The credit belongs, he says, to the doer of deeds, who strongly pursues their goals; not to the cynic who criticises. This is absolutely what the BVOR team believes.
The pandemic was a fortuitous opportunity for the BVOR team to craft, update, trial and improve the BVOR collection. As Stephen Covey said,Β ‘The key is in not spending time, but in investing it’.